29 December 2013

Teaser Trailer - Genre

Our film VERSES would have the conventions that make up a teaser trailer. We will make sure the production companies who have helped fund our film are shown and we will use a voiceover from our protagonist to make the audience connect with him.

Characters of VERSES

Location shots for the Film, VERSES

2 November 2013

Trainspotting 1996 Teaser Trailer Analysis

British Films vs American Films

With our film 'VERSES' being a British Independent film, it will have many of the same characteristics that are shown in my PowerPoint above. There will be some form of gang related series, less known actors, urban areas and day-to-day life. The helper to our Protagonist, Adam McKenzie is of a lower class and shows the harsh reality of people in Britain. We will show variations of lifestyle, attracting a wider audience. Like the production companies shown, we will also need help with funding. We will get the majority of our funding from the UK Film Council; also we would use Film4 instead of BBC Films due to the films that Film4 have funded are similar to our film, 'VERSES', such as 'Submarine'.

Production Company Logo and Analysis

29 October 2013

Todorov's Theory For Our Film, VERSES

Title of Our Film

This is the title of our film: VERSES
We chose this as a name, due to the hidden theme in our film, that our protagonist has a desire for poetry. From this, we thought 'verses' would relate well to our chosen storyline. Also, our protagonist is stuck between two scenarios, causing him to way up each option that he's against: his old friends (popular group) vs. new friend.
The look of our title is also important. The font has curved edges to highlight the protagonists struggle as he's not got a straight forward life. Black is used for the title as it appears masculine, appealing to male audiences. The blue background highlights our protagonist is a boy, but the softness appeals to our female audiences. The white light behind the name is to emphasise the pressure our protagonist is under, and that he's in the spotlight and that the story revolves around him.

23 October 2013

Billy Elliot 2000 Trailer Analysis

Questionairre For Our Film

From this questionnaire, we have been provided with helpful information that we can use in our trailer. The results let us know who our target audience are, as the teenagers mainly go to the cinema in groups which means we must appeal to a range of people as the audience would more likely go with people that have the same interest. In addition we know what type of music to use in our trailer and fashion sense so the audience feel that they can relate. The most common watched films by our participants are Kidulthood, Adulthood and The Breakfast Club which helps us to know what specific narrative to use in our trailer. Furthermore, we know we need to focus on the characters and what settings we should use.
Overall, this has given us much insight into what we should use in our trailer and we will use these results to improve our profit for our film.

Stuart Hall - Representation

1 July 2013

Brief for A2 Media

A2 Media Studies G324 Advanced Porfolio in Media
Coursework Unit
Marked out of 100

Your brief is:
A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:
  • A website homepage for the film
  • A film magazine front cover
  • A poster for the film

In addition to the above you must add to your portfolio individually or as a group creating a presentation of your research, planning and evaluation may take the form of any one, or combination of two or more of the following:

  • A powerpoint presentation
  • A blog to be uploaded onto FROG
  • A DVD with extras